Monday 21 April 2008

Here I Go Again...

Well, it looks like I got it right this time, and actually managed to post a picture!! Wow!! I'm pretty pleased with this, I can tell you.

For them as are interested in this kind of thing, it's a 'Velvet Shank'. Quite a tasty fungus, but I think it looks better growing on it's dead log.

I took this in January 2007, I think, that's how come I'm sure of what it is. Always a good thing to positively identify a fungus before you go and eat it!! The velvet shank is first identified by it's colour, a smashing eggy yellow. Not only this, it's the ONLY capped fungus that you'll find in maturity during winter, even in the snow! Altogether a very collectable variety.

I used a Fuji Finepix 5500 to take this shot, it was all I had with me at the time, and by the time I got back to it with my EOS 5D, someone had collected it! These things are sent to try us, and don't they do it so well?

Well, I'm going to pack this in for the evening, my supper's ready. Stir-fried shrimp and mussels with mixed veg, and, yes, mushrooms. So...all the best, good shooting, photographically speaking, and do please leave a comment. Also see my flickr page I'm busy trying to put together. Catch up with you in a day or two.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Page The First.

Hello,curious person! I expect you realise by now that this is a new blog, just set it up 2 minutes ago, and have very little idea what the heck I'm doing!! Oh well, some of the greatest inventions of all time were 'happy accidents'. I'm also pretty sure you've figured out that I'm all about photography! Yup, real no-brainer that one. What I'd LIKE to see happen, is a whole lot of other shooters use this site as a sort of 'mutual self-help' forum, picking each other's shots apart, in a spirit of mutual help and improvement. If it helps, I'll post some of my best, and worst, shots just as soon as I've figured out how to do it!! BTW. I don't discriminate against pixels or halide fans, but so you know.....I prefer Halide, every time. Time, though, seems to be a mite short for us of the traditional persuasion. Any thoughts?

Catch you soon, Doug.